Code of Ethics

The Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) is dedicated to the promotion of safe, competent medical care for any and all individuals. To that end, the NMTCB processes and evaluates applications for NMTCB certification, administers certification exams and monitors certificant continuing education and adherence to legal and ethical standards, including but not limited to the Code of Ethics of the Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologist Section. The NMTCB therefore requires those participating in these credentialing processes answer certain ethics questions during each renewal.  Below are the ethics questions that were asked during each of the indicated renewal cycles:





After 2009:

Since (your last renewal) have you:

  1. Been charged with or convicted of a misdemeanor (other than a minor traffic offense) or felony or general court martial in military service, and/or are any such charges currently pending against you?

  2. Had any professional license, registration, or certification application denied, or any issued license, registration, or certification revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or subject to any type of discipline by a regulatory authority or certification board?

  3. Been found by any court or administrative body, including but not limited to employers, to have committed negligence (simple or willful), malpractice, recklessness, or engaged in misconduct in the practice of any profession?

  4. Been terminated or resigned to avoid being terminated from an employment position involving the use of NMTCB credentials and where the conduct leading to such termination/resignation has involved: child or elder abuse, sexual abuse, substance abuse, job-related crimes, violation of professional practice standards or employer policies, or violent crimes against persons?


The Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board Has Developed a Post-Primary Computed Tomography (CT) Credential.

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